‘Monster Mash’ in Minneapolis
My thanks to Howard and Joni Bender for sending me these photos of “Monster Mash” on sale at DreamHaven Books in Minneapolis. DreamHaven specializes in the cool stuff: horror, sci-fi, comics. The store’s bread-and-butter is books, but it also sells related merchandise.
It’s quite a store, as you can see from the Benders’ photos. (Need I tell you that Howard is a veteran comic book artist who has drawn Superman, Spider-Man, Archie and his own characters Mr. Fixitt and “Billy and Pop”?)
Some heavy hitters have done signings at DreamHaven Books, including Robert Bloch, Art Spiegelman, Harlan Ellison, Clive Barker, Neil Gaiman, Scott McCloud and F. Paul Wilson.
When I saw the photo at right of a miniature Forrest J Ackerman behind glass, I did a double-take; I thought maybe Forry had gotten his wish, and I was looking at one of the jar people in “Bride of Frankenstein.”
I hadn’t known that someone marketed a Forry figure. Sure enough, Dark Horse, bless ’em, did just that.
I love how they captured FJA’s “bug-eye” spectacles and his omnipresent beige leisure suit. (Although, they toned down the girth Forry acquired from a lifetime in which his only exercise was typing and re-reading old copies of Amazing Stories.)
Dark Horse’s official photos of the Forrest J Ackerman figure are below. What’s next, I wonder? Jim Warren at his desk? Basil Gogos at his easel? Greg Bazaz opening mail?
Anyway, “Monster Mash” is in great company — and is right at home— at DreamHaven Books. Thanks for carrying it, gang!
DreamHaven Books is located at 2301 East 38th Street in Minneapolis. Their website is http://dreamhavenbooks.com.
View “Monster Mash” 34-page preview